2 research outputs found

    Comparative Evaluation of String Metrics for Context Ontology Database

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    Static Context Code Coverage Program (SCCCP) is a program developed to calculate the coverage of context code in a Java file of an Android application. The database built for SCCCP includes records on location and speech context, exclusive to Android. There is a huge need for string matching algorithm since strings from the source codes and database have to be checked for any similarity first before moving on to the calculation of context coverage. Therefore, three different string metrics were analyzed prior to choosing the most suitable one for SCCCP. In this paper, the results obtained from using JaroWinkler, Levenshtein, and Strike a Match string distance metrics are analyzed based on the task of matching the source codes with database records and other pair of strings. Some issues related during our experiment on source code matching are discussed in this paper. The findings conclude that Strike a Match algorithm is the best option since it gives the highest accuracy among others

    Context ontology in mobile applications

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    Mobile applications are expected to receive context input such as location, speech, and network from different context providers. Since context can be considered as knowledge, a formal method is needed to capture this knowledge. There is less work on ontology model that could be reused to model a new context ontology for Android mobile application. Therefore, this study proposed an ontology specifically for Android mobile application, COCCC, to formalize context knowledge present within it. METHONTOLOGY method was used to create COCCC ontology as it offers intermediate representation in the form of concepts. The concepts from the context ontology were extracted from various resources, sorted and categorized based on types and functions for standardization purposes. Survey was given to five domain experts for evaluation of COCCC ontology in terms of its usability. Data from these experts were analyzed and the results have confirmed that the proposed context ontology is usable to Android mobile application developers